HEX ezCAN configuration software for Windows PC (released 2019-01-31, 4.8Mb)
HEX ezCAN configuration software for Mac (released 2019-01-31, 3.8Mb)
Download and install the HEX ezCAN configuration software for your specific device. Once you have installed the HEX ezCAN device, use the USB cable provided to connect to it, then, open the HEX ezCAN configuration software.
Configure the electronic fuses of the four outputs and select the functions of accessories according to your specific requirements. On the accessory channel, you can also set the delay time-out. Once you switch the ignition 'OFF', the accessory output channel will remain powered for the period of your preset delay time-out before powering down.
Use the drop-down menu on the right to set the electronic fuse for each output channel. Select the appropriate fuse level for each accessory. The initial fuse settings are preset but can be changed according to your requirements. Double-check the Amps the accessory will draw and set the fuse level accordingly.
There is a day-night sensor on the instrument cluster. For safety and visibility reasons, the bike's lights conform to the different presets for day and night riding - based on readings from the day-night sensor.
The HEX ezCAN extends this functionality to the accessory lights so that their brightness can be set separately for day and night, dim and bright
. The sun slider (☀) sets the brightness for day riding, while the moon (☾) slider sets the brightness for night riding. Dim
and bright
settings are done individually, hence the two different icons.
All lights can be activated or deactivated by holding in the turn signal cancel button (For R1200 LC & K1600) or trip / info button for ( F800 & R1200) for 3s (i.e. toggle on and off). If configured, the auxiliary and horn outputs will remain active when the lights are deactivated.
The MultiController can be used to adjust the brightness of the forward-facing auxiliary lights. Hold MultiController left for more than 3s to activate this function, rotate up and down to adjust the brightness of current setting. When done, the configuration mode will timeout after 10s of no activity on the MultiController. The brightness setting can also be cancelled by holding the MultiController to the right for more than 3s. There is currently no way to dynamically change or adjust brightness of lights from the motorcycles control while riding the F800 and R1200.
Brightness: The rear light brightness slider sets your accessory rear light's brightness between 0 - 100%. The brake light brightness slider sets your accessory brake light's brightness between 0 - 100%. If the accessory brake light is set to a type of flashing, this will determine the brightness of the flash.
Rear light vs brake light. The rear light is always on when the ignition is ON - but an accessory rear light can be turned off even when the ignition is ON. The bike's brake light is only activated on active braking - but an accessory brake light can be set to activate on other types of trigger too, like harsh deceleration. Be aware that an overly bright rear light setting can make a brake light less visible - an effect that can partly be countered by flashing. (See NOTE 1)
NOTE 1: The bike's brake light is always brighter than the rear light, but an accessory brake light can use the same LEDs for both rear and brake lights. It is important to remember that the brightness setting for the accessory rear light should be substantially less than the brightness setting of the accessory brake light to indicate braking
NOTE 2: Emergency braking will only activate above 50km/h. If you decelerate harshly (over the 21km/h/s threshold) and keep brake applied, the light will flash and continue to flash until the brake is released. If you tap-off (i.e. release the throttle, no brake applied), it will flash as long as the speed is over 50km/h and the deceleration is over the threshold. The two cases are:
To avoid power cuts to the accessories connected to this output during ignition cycles, use the slider to set the preferred time-out delay .
If this is your first installation and configuration of the HEX ezCAN, ensure that your HEX ezCAN configuration software corresponds with the way the HEX ezCAN outputs are configured with the accessories. This is called channel mapping.